Beat The Clock Monday!

Order a cheese pizza after 5:00PM pay the price of the time...NO LIMIT

Customer Loyalty Program

Get rewarded for being a loyal Romano's customer





Download the LoyalBlocks iPhone or Android app and start earning your rewards! It's seamless to use and it's free to download. All you need to do is visit the restaurant or call for delivery to earn rewards.

Thank you for being a loyal Romano's customer! Download the LoyalBlocks app today and start getting rewarded!

Birthday Packages

We supply the food, plates, cake and even a trash bag for easy clean up. The party is delivered to your home!


In the Spirit of Giving

It's nice to be able to say that we all want to be better people, help more in our communities and with our families. All too often we get caught up with our daily lives and don't make the opportunites to give back. 


Having said that, we at Romanos Pizza are challenging you (and ourselves) to make a difference for someone in our community this holiday season and beyond.  There are so many places and people in need. We have the Salvation Army, the Emmaus organization that helps so many, food pantries that need assistance. There are countless other opportunites to donate time, money or goods. 

Owning a pizza store in Haverhill gives the unique advantage of being able to help out with food to organizations in need that help people struggling in these hard times.

We ask that you consider finding a cause that moves you and do the same. From experience, you will sleep well at night knowing you've made a difference. 


Red Sox World Series Champions 2013

There is something about our "Home Team." We are a very proud sports nation for all our teams. Whether it's the Patriots, Celtics, Bruins or our beloved Red Sox, the sense of pride that we have and share is nothing less than amazing.  Listening to Fenway Park shake the city of Boston last night was an extremely proud moment. 

It is important to have these things to bring us together, to make "the day after" a day to talk and share our memories of the series, the excitement. Our families sat together on couches and stayed up late, watching together, as a family. That's what sports is about and that's what makes this win so wonderful. The time that we all shared, watching with friends and family. Now how about some pizza??????



World Series 2013!

I've always loved baseball, especially in October!!!  I know what I'll be doing this Wednesday, eating pizza and watching the Red Sox in the World Series!!! Love New England Sports!!!!


Slice of Hope

We are all busy people. Jobs, family and our attempts at recreation and such take up our days. We all feel better when we are able to give back a bit to our communities and to causes we believe in. I feel extraordinarily lucky that despite the hurdles, I have a means to be able to give back that not everyone has.  I have Romanos, which is truly a gift.

Slice of Hope is a group effort that I am proud to join this year. On October 11, 2013, Romanos will be donating 15% of our proceeds to Slices of Hope, a charity event designed to raise funding to fight breast cancer. Money raised on this one day will be donated to the Karen Mullen Breast Cancer Foundation. This foundation passes on nearly 100% of it's proceeds to the nation's leading breast cancer research labs. 

On October 11, 2013, I get to join pizzerias around the country do what I love, make pizza and donate to a cause much bigger than myself.


Memorial Day

Memorial Day has come to signify the start of summer for many Americans and is often celebrated with cookouts, family get-togethers, road races and concerts. But the real meaning of Memorial Day has, for too many Americans, gotten lost in holiday hoopla.

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Romanos would like to thank all Veterans and their families.